HEXACO Personality Test Prep

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The HEXACO Personality Test is a psychological assessment tool used to measure personality traits. The HEXACO model was developed by Ashton and Lee in the early 2000s as an extension of the Big Five model. It aims to provide a more comprehensive understanding of human personality by incorporating an additional dimension that captures aspects related to sincerity, fairness, and humility.

Did you know?

The HEXACO personality inventory has a 60-item and a 100-item questionnaire that examines personality traits in the six domains. Each topic is evaluated using a Likert scale with five possible responses, ranging from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree.” The substantial evidence for the validity and reliability of the HEXACO personality test is supported by numerous research carried out over the world.

The HEXACO Personality Test typically consists of a series of statements or questions to which individuals respond, indicating their level of agreement or disagreement. Based on their responses, scores are calculated for each of the six personality dimensions, providing insights into an individual’s unique personality profile.

The HEXACO Personality Test is used in various research settings, including personality psychology, organizational psychology, and social sciences. It can help individuals gain self-awareness, aid in career guidance, and provide valuable insights for organizations in areas such as employee selection, team composition, and organizational culture assessment.

Question Types Explained

The HEXACO paradigm uses six dimensions to conceptualize human personality. The exam itself is brief, but it does a respectable job of characterizing personality types. The HEXACO model was built on the foundation of several independent lexical research from the past. Language-based taxonomies for personality traits have been utilized extensively in the process of building personality models. 

This approach makes use of adjectives that characterize human behaviors and tendencies and is founded on the logic of the lexical hypothesis. The adjectives are subjected to factor analysis to determine the bare minimum of independent groups of personality traits.

Each of the six components of HEXACO model have been highlighted below: 

Honesty-HumilityReflects a person’s sincerity, fairness, modesty, and greed avoidance. Individuals scoring high on this factor tend to be honest, trustworthy, and modest. They are less likely to exploit others or engage in self-centered behaviors. Those scoring low may be more self-centered, materialistic, and manipulative.
EmotionalityRefers to the extent to which an individual experiences and expresses emotions. High scorers tend to be sensitive, compassionate, and prone to anxiety. Low scorers are more emotionally stable, calm, and less likely to experience intense emotional reactions.
eXtraversionIndicates the degree to which a person is outgoing, energetic, and assertive in social situations. High scorers are typically sociable, talkative, and enjoy being the center of attention. Low scorers are more introverted and reserved and prefer solitary activities.
AgreeablenessReflects a person’s tendency to be cooperative, kind, and considerate toward others. Individuals scoring high on this factor are generally compassionate, empathetic, and willing to compromise. Those scoring low may be more competitive, skeptical, and less concerned with others’ well-bein
ConscientiousnessRefers to a person’s level of organization, responsibility, and self-discipline. High scorers tend to be reliable, efficient and organized. They are more likely to follow the rules and meet deadlines. Low scorers may be more impulsive, careless, and less focused on long-term goals.
Openness to ExperienceReflects a person’s receptiveness to new ideas, creativity, and intellectual curiosity. Individuals scoring high on this factor are typically imaginative, open-minded, and enjoy exploring new concepts. Low scorers may be more conventional and practical and prefer routine and familiarity.
Caption: HEXACO 6-Factor Model Explained, Source: iPREP

The name HEXACO itself has been derived from these personality traits. The term “HEXACO” in the context of the HEXACO Personality Test represents the six factors or dimensions of personality that are measured by the test. Each letter in the term “HEXACO” corresponds to one of its factors.

Caption: HEXACO Model, Source: iPREP

The word “HEXACO” is a combination of the Greek letter “hexa,” which indicates six, and the first letters of each component. It represents the HEXACO model’s six-dimensional framework, which is used to evaluate and comprehend personality characteristics more thoroughly.

Hexaco Subscales

In order to get a better perspective of a person’s personality, HEXACO further divides these scales into a number of subscales. 

Honesty-Humility (H)– Sincerity: Measures the tendency to be genuine, truthful, and sincere in interactions with others.
– Fairness: Measures the inclination to treat others fairly and justly, and to oppose unfair practices.
– Greed Avoidance: Assesses the level of aversion to exploiting others for personal gain or seeking material possessions.
– Modesty: Measures the tendency to be modest, unassuming, and unpretentious in one’s self-presentation.
Emotionality (E)– Fearfulness: Assesses the susceptibility to experiencing fear, anxiety, and phobias.
– Anxiety: Measures the tendency to experience general feelings of unease, worry, and nervousness.
– Dependence: Assesses the inclination to rely on others for emotional support and reassurance.
– Sentimentality: Measures the proneness to feeling sentimental, being moved by emotional stimuli, and expressing emotions.
Extraversion (X)– Social Self-Esteem: Assesses the level of self-confidence and positive self-perception in social interactions.
– Social Boldness: Measures the tendency to approach social situations and engage with others assertively and confidently.
– Sociability: Assesses the preference for being in the company of others and engaging in social activities.
– Liveliness: Measures the inclination to exhibit high energy, enthusiasm, and liveliness in social settings.
Agreeableness (A)– Forgiveness: Assesses the willingness to forgive and show understanding towards others’ mistakes and offenses.
– Gentleness: Measures the tendency to be gentle, mild, and considerate in interactions with others.
– Flexibility: Assesses the openness to compromise, adaptability, and willingness to accommodate others’ needs.
– Patience: Measures the ability to remain patient, tolerant, and composed in challenging or frustrating situations.
Conscientiousness (C)– Organization: Assesses the inclination to be organized, structured, and methodical in one’s approach to tasks.
– Diligence: Measures the level of persistence, perseverance, and conscientiousness in completing tasks.
– Perfectionism: Assesses the tendency to set high standards for oneself and strive for perfection in one’s work.
– Prudence: Measures the propensity to think ahead, exercise caution, and carefully consider potential consequences.
Openness to Experience (O)– Aesthetic Appreciation: Assesses the appreciation for art, beauty, and aesthetics in various forms.
– Inquisitiveness: Measures curiosity, interest in learning new things, and desire for intellectual stimulation.
– Creativity: Assesses the inclination to think in unconventional ways, generate new ideas, and engage in creative activities.
– Unconventionality: Measures the preference for deviating from social norms, conventions, and traditional practices.
Caption: HEXACO Subscales Explained, Souce: iPREP

These subscales are essential for capturing the complex personality traits that exist inside each HEXACO dimension. The HEXACO model provides a thorough picture of a person’s personality by diving further into these aspects. It acknowledges that qualities have several dimensions and can appear in different ways.

Researchers, practitioners, and employers can better grasp a person’s personality profile by looking at these subscales. This degree of specificity improves the thoroughness and accuracy of evaluations, enabling customized treatments, focused growth plans, and enhanced interpersonal dynamics.

The HEXACO model emphasizes the richness and diversity of human personality through its emphasis on these subscales. It acknowledges that people have distinctive patterns of behavior, motives, and values as a result of their own combinations of qualities within each dimension.

HEXACO Questions Format

HEXACO Sampe Question

HEXACO Sample Question, Source: Hexaco.org

To examine personality traits in the six aforementioned areas, researchers typically utilize the 60-item HEXACO personality test. The questions on the inventory have been carefully crafted to delve into different parts of a person’s personality. 

Here are some examples that may appear on the HEXACO personality test:

Honesty-Humility (H)

  • I always treat others fairly.
  • I would never take credit for someone else’s work.
  • I am not interested in gaining power over others.

Emotionality (E)

  • I am often in touch with my own emotions.
  • I tend to worry a lot about things.
  • I am easily moved by art or music.

Extraversion (X)

  • I enjoy being the center of attention.
  • I feel comfortable initiating conversations with strangers.
  • I prefer to spend my free time with a large group of friends.

Agreeableness (A)

  • I am generally concerned about the well-being of others.
  • I try to avoid conflicts and arguments.
  • I am willing to help others, even if it inconveniences me.

Conscientiousness (C)

  • I always make plans and stick to them.
  • I am highly organized in my daily life.
  • I pay great attention to detail in my work.

Openness to Experience (O)

  • I enjoy trying new and unusual activities.
  • I am open to different perspectives and ideas.
  • I enjoy exploring abstract concepts.

On a 5-point Likert scale, ranging from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree,” respondents are asked to score their agreement or disagreement with each item. The 5-point Likert scale includes the following options: 

1 – Strongly Disagree
2 – Disagree
3 – Neutral
4 – Agree
5 – Strongly Agree

Scores are generated for each of the six dimensions based on the replies, showing where the person falls on the HEXACO model’s scale of personality characteristics. The HEXACO questionnaire offers a thorough evaluation of many aspects of a person’s personality and offers insights into their personality profile.

Here’s what a test-taker has to say about the test:

“even if this test somehow categorize me as lesser evil, I think Hexaco test is somehow read a hell outa of me (or at least person who i idealize to be)”

Source: reddit/ mousezard

Preparation Strategies

When preparing for the HEXACO personality test, it’s important to keep in mind that this test aims to assess six dimensions of personality: Honesty-Humility (H), Emotionality (E), Extraversion (X), Agreeableness (A), Conscientiousness (C), and Openness to Experience (O). Here are some strategies to help you prepare for the test:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the HEXACO model: Recognize the qualities and attributes connected to each HEXACO model dimension. Discover the meanings of the six dimensions and the usual behaviors that each is related to.
  1. Reflect on your own personality: Consider your own personality for a moment and how you may connect to each component. Think about your areas of strength and weakness as well as particular instances from your life that illustrate these characteristics. However, it is crucial to remember that the reflection of your personality should be in context with the work’s persona. Try to highlight your personality traits that would favor the role you are applying for and help in landing the job. 
  1. Take practice tests: Look for websites that offer HEXACO personality tests or questionnaire samples. You may get more used to the format and kind of questions you could see on the real test by taking practice exams. It also enables you to comprehend your potential reactions to various situations. Try to prepare yourself with practice tests from websites like iPREP that provide not only a concise result but also a proper breakdown of your result and personality profile. This will give you a clearance about your traits and what changes you must make to land your dream job.
  1. Seek feedback from others: Get frank comments about your personality from intimate friends, family, or coworkers. Their viewpoints can provide you with vital information for self-reflection and can help you understand how others see you.
  1. Focus on self-awareness: Pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in various contexts to increase your self-awareness. Consider your driving forces, deciding factors, and interactions with others. You may better understand your personality and potential responses to different situations by becoming self-aware.
  1. Be honest and authentic: It’s crucial to be truthful and give responses on the exam that accurately represents who you are. Inconsistent outcomes might emerge from trying to manage or display oneself in a specific manner, which may not really reflect your nature.

Test Features

How Does the HEXACO Personality Test Works

The HEXACO Personality Test evaluates a person’s personality qualities across the six HEXACO model dimensions. Usually, the exam consists of a questionnaire with a number of statements or questions to which the subject must react. Here is a description of the HEXACO Personality Test’s operation:

  1. Questionnaire Design: Each personality dimension’s many nuances are meticulously captured in the HEXACO Personality Test questionnaire. Each of the six factors—honesty-humility, emotionality, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness to experience—is assessed by a different question designed to gauge a particular personality trait.
  1. Likert Scale Response: A sequence of statements or questions are presented to test takers, and they are asked to rate how much they agree or disagree with each one. The Likert scale, which often has many response alternatives and ranges from “Strongly Disagree” to “Strongly Agree,” is frequently employed.
  1. Scoring and Data Analysis: The person’s answers are evaluated and examined once they complete the questionnaire. Depending on the version of the HEXACO Personality Test that is being utilized, the precise scoring procedure may change. Typically, each answer is given a numerical value, and the scores for each personality dimension are determined by adding together all the answers.
  1. Personality Profile: The results of each personality dimension are then utilized to create a person’s personality profile. Based on the HEXACO model, this profile offers insights into their overall personality characteristic composition as well as their relative strengths or weaknesses in each area.
  1. Interpretation and Insights: The last phase entails reading the person’s personality profile and offering insights on how their characteristics may affect their actions, interpersonal relationships, and other facets of their lives. The findings can be appropriately interpreted with the help of qualified experts or resources designed especially for the HEXACO model, which can also help to provide a thorough picture of the person’s personality.

It’s crucial to remember that the HEXACO Personality Test is best administered and understood by experts in psychometric testing or those who are familiar with the HEXACO model. Their knowledge guarantees that the outcomes are precisely comprehended and applied to the particular situation of the individual.

Purposes of the HEXACO personality test 

The HEXACO Personality Test offers significant advantages in HR procedures, enhancing the hiring process, team dynamics, leadership identification, and professional development. Some of the key benefits include:

  • Improved Selection and Hiring: The HEXACO test aids in matching individuals’ personality traits with job requirements, leading to better hiring decisions, and supporting efforts to promote diversity and reduce hiring bias.
  • Enhancing Team Collaboration: By evaluating HEXACO qualities, HR can form teams with complementary personalities to boost cooperation, reduce disputes, and promote a positive work culture, addressing potential team conflicts.
  • Identifying Leadership Potential: The HEXACO model sheds light on qualities crucial for leadership, such as honesty-humility and conscientiousness. This information can be harnessed to detect individuals with leadership potential and develop robust leadership pipelines.
  • Tailored Professional Development: The insights from HEXACO allow HR to design personalized training and development programs, and offer targeted coaching, thereby bolstering individual performance and career advancement.

The 60-item Vs 100-item questionnaires

Here’s a table that provides a head to head comparison between a 60-item and 100-item HEXACO personality questionnaire:

Number of Items60 items100 items
CoverageAssesses the six HEXACO dimensionsProvides a more comprehensive assessment of personality
including facets
DimensionsMeasures all six dimensions of the HEXACO model:Measures all six dimensions of the HEXACO model:
– Honesty-Humility (H)– Honesty-Humility (H)
– Emotionality (E)– Emotionality (E)
– Extraversion (X)– Extraversion (X)
– Agreeableness (A)– Agreeableness (A)
– Conscientiousness (C)– Conscientiousness (C)
– Openness to Experience (O)– Openness to Experience (O)
FacetsNot recommended for assessing personality facetsEach scale composed of four facet scales
(four items per facet scale)
Facet-Level UnderstandingLimited insight into specific facets within dimensionsProvides detailed insight into specific personality facets
ScoringScores are calculated for each dimension based
on the responses
Scores are calculated for each dimension based on
the responses
Response Scale5-point Likert scale (1 – strongly disagree to
5 – strongly agree)
5-point Likert scale (1 – strongly disagree to
5 – strongly agree)
ReliabilityAlpha reliabilities for scales ranged from .73
to .80, with a mean of .75
Alpha reliabilities for scales ranged from .81
to .85, with a mean of .83
FocusSuitable for quick assessments or large-scale studiesSuitable for in-depth research or detailed personality assessments
Time and Resource ConstraintsMore time-efficient and requires fewer resourcesRequires more time and resources to administer and analyze
Research ContextsPreliminary studies, general surveysAcademic research, psychological assessments
Goal of MeasurementBroad overview of personality traitsNuanced understanding of personality at a facet level
Available Statistical AnalysisLimited statistical analysis optionsEnables detailed statistical analysis and exploration
HEXACO-60 and HEXACO-100 Comparison Table, Source: iPREP

It’s important to note that the items included in the 60-item version of the HEXACO personality test are not simply a subset of the first 60 items from the 100-item version. The 60-item HEXACO questionnaire focuses on a subset of questions for each personality dimension, providing a relatively shorter assessment of an individual’s personality traits. On the other hand, the 100-item HEXACO questionnaire includes a more extensive set of questions for each dimension, offering a more detailed and comprehensive assessment of an individual’s personality profile.

Here’s what an HR expert has to say: 

“Of course, it also depends on the specific personality assessment. The Big Five (aka the OCEAN test, or HEXACO if you want to add honesty) is gonna be much more valid than the MBTI (Myers Briggs, which has never been considered scientifically valid or reliable).”

Source: Reddit/Astroman129

Technical Facts

Test- Fast Facts

  • The HEXACO personality inventory has two versions, i.e., a 60-item and 100-items questionnaire that examines personality traits in the six domains.  
  • The questions are evaluated using a Likert scale, and candidates are provided with five options ranging from agree to strongly disagree. 
  • Mostly administered online
  • There is no scope for passing or failing, as the aim of the exam is not to judge you but provide a better understanding of your personality. 
  • Extension of the Big-Five model. 

Visualization in Two Dimensions

Using the Atlas of Personality, Emotion, and Behavior, the HEXACO model of personality’s aspects has been depicted in two dimensions. The affiliation and dominance dimensions of the atlas are utilized to assess the adjectives used to characterize each HEXACO component. Then, two-dimensional kernel density charts are used to display the points scored. Each of the six plots’ drawn vectors represents how the HEXACO dimension is expressed in the atlas’ two dimensions.

The Atlas of Personality, Emotion, and Behavior’s representation of the HEXACO dimensions in two dimensions, Source: Wikipedia.org

Administering and Interpreting the Test

To administer the HEXACO Personality Test, HR professionals have access to various methods, including self-report questionnaires and online assessment platforms. Once the test is completed, the results need to be carefully interpreted to gain valuable insights. Consider the following steps when interpreting HEXACO test results:

  1. Understanding the Scoring System: Learn about the HEXACO scoring method, which bases each trait’s numerical value on the respondent’s responses. The comparison of characteristic levels between people is made possible by this scoring system.
  1. Application of Results in HR Decision-Making: Make HR decision-making processes more informed by the HEXACO outcomes. Consider, for instance, comparing the personality qualities of candidates to job specifications, determining prospective team dynamics and compatibility, and customizing development plans to individual attributes.
  1. Comparing HEXACO with Other Personality Tests: Compare the Big Five model to the HEXACO model, two well-known personality assessments. Recognize the HEXACO model’s benefits, such as its focus on honesty-humility and cultural sensitivity, as well as its drawbacks.

Situational Affordances

Situational affordances are the methods through which the HEXACO personality test can be utilized to evaluate and comprehend people in particular circumstances or situations. Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience are the six aspects of the HEXACO model of personality. Each dimension offers insightful information on a person’s preferences and behavioral patterns, enabling a comprehensive assessment of their personality in many contexts.

The situational affordances of the HEXACO personality test can be summarized as follows:

  1. Decision-making and leadership: The exam can provide information about a person’s decision-making style, capacity for initiative, and aptitude for leadership roles by evaluating their level of conscientiousness and extraversion.
  1. Interpersonal dynamics: The qualities of Honesty-Humility, Agreeability, and Emotionality provide insight into a person’s interpersonal style, including their ability to be trusted, work cooperatively, and display emotions while interacting with others.
  1. Adaptability and creativity: Openness to Experience is a crucial characteristic that reflects a person’s openness to new experiences, their capacity for creativity and invention, and their openness to change.
  1. Stress management: Insights regarding how people deal with stress, their emotional stability, and their capacity to withstand pressure in diverse situations may be gained from emotionality and conscientiousness.
  1. Ethical behavior and integrity: The Honesty-Humility dimension is pertinent in situations where integrity and ethical decision-making are important since it focuses explicitly on a person’s honesty, fairness, and adherence to ethical ideals.

People and organizations can better understand how a person’s personality characteristics may affect their behavior, decision-making, and performance in particular settings or jobs by taking into account the situational affordances of the HEXACO personality test. Recruitment, team composition, talent development, and general organizational success can all benefit from knowing this knowledge.

Results Scale and Interpretations

HEXACO Score Report Differ by Assessment Company

You should be aware that the HEXACO personality test is commonly used by various assessment companies for personality evaluation. These companies combine the HEXACO test with their other testing elements, so there isn’t a standardized HEXACO test report. Notable organizations like Neuroqorx and Harver, among others, evaluate candidates using this assessment. Each of these companies integrates the HEXACO test into their unique assessment structure, adapting it to meet their specific needs and goals.

HEXACO Score Report Sample

This HEXACO personality test report presents a visual representation of an individual’s score on a specific personality scale. The score is denoted by a green dot. The desired score range for the particular personality scale is illustrated as a gray area, with a distinct red vertical line marking the midpoint of this range.

Hexaco Sample Test Report, Source: HEXACO.org

It’s worth noting that various companies may adopt different visualization techniques to display this information to employers. Regardless of the format, these visual representations aim to simplify the process for potential employers to gauge if a candidate aligns with the desired personality profile for a position. They can easily discern which areas the applicant excels in and which areas might need attention or are not a perfect fit.

Moreover, iPREP’s personality test simulation provides analogous feedback, assisting individuals in understanding how their inherent personality traits manifest through their responses. This allows for a deeper insight into one’s self and prepares them for potential evaluations in professional settings.

Common Queries and Answers

For many test takers, deciphering the nuances of their HEXACO test results can raise a few questions. Here’s a structured approach to address some of these common inquiries:

Is it “Either/Or” or a Continuum?

When looking at personality traits like extraversion, do I fall strictly into one category, like an introvert or an extravert?

The Answer: None of the characteristics in the HEXACO model are strictly “either/or” choices. It’s more accurate to understand each trait as a continuous dimension. For instance, extraversion isn’t a binary choice between being an introvert or an extravert. People can exhibit high, low, or moderate levels of extraversion, with many falling somewhere in the middle.

What if I’m in the Middle of the Spectrum?

If my score is central on any trait, does that mean I don’t lean any particular way?

The Answer: A central score might suggest that you don’t have a marked preference towards one end of the spectrum. Your behavior in certain contexts might be malleable. For example, certain situations could draw out your extroverted side, while others might see you behaving more introvertedly. This principle applies to all six HEXACO traits.

How Were These Traits Determined?

Were these HEXACO characteristics arbitrarily chosen?

The Answer: It’s crucial to recognize that the HEXACO traits weren’t invented but discovered through rigorous research. Rather than arbitrarily deciding that these were the most important traits, researchers consistently found these six broad characteristics to be the most representative of individual variations in personality across multiple data sets.

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What is the HEXACO personality model?

The HEXACO model, which has six characteristics including Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, and Openness to Experience, is an alternative to the Big Five model of personality. It offers a thorough foundation for comprehending how people differ in their personality features.

What is the purpose of the HEXACO personality exam?

The HEXACO personality exam is used to assess an individual’s personality traits based on the HEXACO model. It helps identify and measure an individual’s levels of Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience.

How long does the HEXACO personality exam take?

The duration of the HEXACO personality exam can vary depending on the specific assessment tool and the number of questions involved. Generally, it can take anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes or more to complete.

Is there a passing score for the HEXACO personality exam?

The HEXACO personality exam does not have a specific passing score. It is designed to assess an individual’s personality traits rather than determining a pass-or-fail outcome. The scores are typically interpreted in relation to population norms or comparative scores.

Can the HEXACO personality exam predict behavior or outcomes?

While the HEXACO model provides insights into an individual’s personality traits, it is important to note that personality assessments cannot predict behavior or outcomes with absolute certainty. They offer a framework for understanding tendencies and preferences, but individual behavior is influenced by various factors beyond personality traits.

Are there any study materials available for the HEXACO personality exam?

There are various resources available for studying the HEXACO model and preparing for the associated personality exam. These may include textbooks, research articles, online resources, and practice exams. It is recommended to consult reputable sources and materials to enhance your understanding of the model and its dimensions.

Can the HEXACO personality exam be used for employment screening?

The HEXACO personality exam can be used as part of employment screening processes, particularly in positions where certain personality traits are considered desirable. However, it should be used alongside other assessments and criteria to make well-rounded hiring decisions.

Can the HEXACO personality exam be taken online?

Yes, there are online versions of the HEXACO personality exam available. These may be offered by licensed assessment providers or research institutions. It is important to ensure that the online assessment is administered and scored in a reliable and valid manner.

Test Tips

  • Answer honestly but from a professional perspective: It is important to respond truthfully to the test items, considering your professional behaviors and attitudes rather than personal preferences or social desirability. This will provide a more accurate reflection of your work-related traits.
  • Review the instructions carefully: Take the time to thoroughly read and understand the instructions before starting the test. This ensures that you approach the assessment with clarity and confidence.
  • Don’t pick too many (or too few) extreme responses: Avoid selecting extreme responses excessively or minimally throughout the test. Strive for a balanced approach, as extreme answers might not accurately represent the nuances of your personality.
  • Keep the job role in mind as you go: Maintain awareness of the specific job role or professional context for which the assessment is being administered. Consider how your responses align with the skills, traits, and behaviors typically required in that role.
  • Don’t try to game the test: The HEXACO personality test is designed to assess genuine personality traits, so attempting to manipulate or “game” the test by providing socially desirable responses may lead to inaccurate results. It’s best to be authentic in your answers.
  • Be consistent in your responses: Aim to provide consistent responses throughout the test. This helps ensure the reliability of the assessment and provides a more accurate depiction of your personality traits. However, it’s important to note that while striving for consistency is beneficial, it shouldn’t be seen as the primary objective. If different phrasings of similar topics elicit varying responses from you, that’s perfectly acceptable. It’s more important to answer truthfully and authentically rather than rigidly aiming for absolute consistency.
  • Take your time: Take the necessary time to think through each question and respond thoughtfully. Rushing through the test may lead to hasty or inconsistent answers, affecting the validity of the results.
  • Prepare for integrity questions: The HEXACO model places importance on honesty and humility. Be prepared for questions related to ethical behavior, integrity, and your approach to handling moral dilemmas. Think about your values and how they align with professional standards.


Test Administrators: Most of the time the test would be administered by the company you are applying to. HR professionals have access to a variety of techniques, including self-report questionnaires and online assessment platforms, to conduct the HEXACO Personality Test. The test’s findings must be thoroughly analyzed after completion in order to draw useful conclusions.

Test Schedule: Scheduled by the potential employer as per requirement. 

Test Format: Multiple choice and generally computer-based

Test Materials: No reference material apart from valid ID proof are allowed in the testing facility. 

Cost: Generally covered by your employer. 

Retake Policy: Depends on the organization you are interviewing in. If they allow it, you might be able to retake the test. 

Test Provider

Researchers headed by Drs. Kibeom Lee and Michael C. Ashton created the HEXACO Personality Test. Drs. Michael C. Ashton, Kibeom Lee, and Reinout E. de Vries are primarily responsible for creating and developing the HEXACO model. They have written several papers and articles about the HEXACO model and the measuring scales that go along with it.

It’s crucial to remember that the HEXACO Personality Test is a popular and well studied evaluation instrument in the discipline of personality psychology. It does not, however, have a single sole supplier or business organization connected to it. The exam may be made available through academic institutions, research groups, or authorized testing corporations. It is often used by academics, psychologists, and professionals in a variety of contexts.

Information Sources

Disclaimer– Every study guide and tutoring resource on iPREP is accurate and was written with the goal of offering assistance. None of the above-mentioned brands or businesses are connected to iPREP.

Free HEXACO practice test: Get to know what the HEXACO Personality test will be like by practicing with these sample questions:

Rate your agreement with the following statements:

Question 1 of 6

I would never take credit for someone else’s work.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

Analysis: The sentence is derived from the Honesty-Humility (H) scale of the HEXACO model and assesses an individual’s ethical values, particularly their integrity and honesty regarding achievements.

Strongly Agree Implications:

  • Positive: Likely to be perceived as trustworthy and ethical, valuing genuine accomplishments.
  • Negative: May miss opportunities in competitive environments where self-promotion is vital.

Strongly Disagree Implications:

  • Positive: Could be seen as assertive or opportunistic, potentially benefiting in cutthroat scenarios.
  • Negative: Risk of being perceived as dishonest or untrustworthy, jeopardizing relationships and professional standing.
Question 2 of 6

I tend to worry a lot about things.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

Analysis: The sentence stems from the Emotionality (E) scale of the HEXACO model and examines an individual’s tendency to experience emotions like anxiety and apprehension in various situations.

Strongly Agree Implications:

  • Positive: Often more empathetic and sensitive to the feelings and needs of others, enhancing interpersonal relationships.
  • Negative: May become overwhelmed or paralyzed in decision-making due to excessive worrying.

Strongly Disagree Implications:

  • Positive: Typically perceived as confident and resilient, handling challenging situations with ease.
  • Negative: Risk of being perceived as uncaring or aloof, potentially missing nuanced emotional cues in interpersonal situations.
Question 3 of 6

I feel comfortable initiating conversations with strangers.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

Analysis: The sentence is sourced from the Extraversion (X) scale of the HEXACO model, focusing on an individual’s comfort and propensity to engage in social interactions, especially with unfamiliar individuals.

Strongly Agree Implications:

  • Positive: Likely seen as outgoing and sociable, capable of easily building networks and relationships.
  • Negative: Risk of being perceived as overly forward or intrusive in some cultural or personal contexts.

Strongly Disagree Implications:

  • Positive: May be viewed as a good listener and reflective, allowing others to lead conversations.
  • Negative: Potential challenges in social or networking events, possibly perceived as aloof or introverted.
Question 4 of 6

I try to avoid conflicts and arguments.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

Analysis: The sentence originates from the Agreeableness (A) scale of the HEXACO model, gauging an individual’s inclination towards maintaining harmony and avoiding confrontations in relationships and interactions.

Strongly Agree Implications:

  • Positive: Often perceived as easy-going, cooperative, and diplomatic, which can promote harmonious relationships.
  • Negative: Might avoid necessary confrontations, potentially allowing issues to fester or not standing up for oneself.

Strongly Disagree Implications:

  • Positive: Likely seen as assertive and candid, willing to address issues head-on.
  • Negative: Risk of being perceived as confrontational or aggressive, which might strain interpersonal relationships.
Question 5 of 6

I pay great attention to detail in my work.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

Analysis: The sentence is drawn from the Conscientiousness (C) scale of the HEXACO model, evaluating an individual’s diligence, meticulousness, and commitment to thoroughness in tasks.

Strongly Agree Implications:

  • Positive: Often viewed as meticulous, reliable, and dedicated, producing high-quality work.
  • Negative: Potential to become overly fixated on details, which could slow down productivity or lead to overthinking.

Strongly Disagree Implications:

  • Positive: May be seen as adaptable and swift in decision-making, not getting bogged down by minutiae.
  • Negative: Risk of overlooking important details, potentially compromising the quality or accuracy of work.
Question 6 of 6

I enjoy exploring abstract concepts.

  • Strongly Agree
  • Agree
  • Neutral
  • Disagree
  • Strongly Disagree

Analysis: The sentence is derived from the Openness to Experience (O) scale of the HEXACO model, probing into an individual’s curiosity, openness, and inclination towards abstract thought and novel ideas.

Strongly Agree Implications:

  • Positive: Likely perceived as imaginative, curious, and intellectually adventurous, fostering innovation and creativity.
  • Negative: Risk of getting perceived as overly theoretical or impractical in certain pragmatic settings.

Strongly Disagree Implications:

  • Positive: Often seen as pragmatic and grounded, focusing on tangible and immediate tasks.
  • Negative: May be perceived as closed-minded or resistant to novel or unconventional ideas.

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January 28, 2020 at 7:49 PM