PELLETB Practice Test

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The PELLETB (POST Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery) is designed to measure the skills of the individuals essential to establish themselves as successful California peace officers. Candidates are required to pass the PELLETB to move forward to the next step of the selection process for the California peace officers.

Did you know?

The PELLETB (POST Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery) typically consists of approximately 100-120 questions, which a candidate must solve within the provided time of 2.5 hours. These questions are divided into various sections, which include Writing ability, Reasoning, and Reading.

The PELLETB is an aptitude test that measures skills which require substantial time to master. You can’t simply refine these abilities overnight or just for the exam. Your best bet for consistently improving your scores on the PELLETB test is through in-depth learning and dedicated practice.

At its core, the PELLETB assesses language aptitude. To excel, you need a firm grasp on language-related skills. With the right exercises and techniques, you can greatly enhance your performance and secure your success. This preparation guide equips you with vital information about the test’s content and format.

Using this guide, you’ll gain clarity on what the assessment evaluates, the kinds of questions you’ll face, and sample questions to gauge your current standing. Furthermore, you’ll discover research-backed strategies and tips to answer each question with utmost accuracy.

Question Types Explained

The questions included in the PELLETB test are divided into three components:

  1. Writing Ability
  2. Reading Ability
  3. Reasoning Ability. 

The table below outlines the specific sections and sub-sections in the sections of the PELLETB:

Sectionsub-sectionDescriptionNumber Of Items
Writing AbilityClarityMeasures the candidate’s ability to express ideas clearly and concisely in written form.18 Items
SpellingAssesses the candidate’s spelling skills to ensure accurate written communication.18 Items
VocabularyTests the candidate’s command of vocabulary, including word meanings and usage.18 Items
Reading AbilityReading ComprehensionEvaluates the candidate’s ability to understand and interpret written passages and answer questions based on the given text.28 Items
CLOZEMeasures the candidate’s understanding of context by requiring completion of missing words in a passage.40 Items
Reasoning Ability  Reasoning AbilityThis sub-section aims to evaluate how well candidates can process information, reason logically, and make sound decisions under pressure. 9 Items
PELLETB Test Breakdown, Source: iPREP

1. Writing Ability Section

There are 18 questions in each of the three writing sub-sections. Let’s take a closer look at each of those sub-sections individually.

Clarity Sub-section

In the clarity sub-section, candidates are presented with sentences and must choose the one that is most clearly and accurately worded. This sub-section focuses on common writing errors, such as ambiguous references, misplaced modifiers, sentence fragments, and run-on sentences.

Clarity Sample Question

Choose the sentence that is worded the most accurately and clearly:

  1. While walking to the store, the rain began to pour heavily.
  2. The rain started to pour heavily while I was walking to the store.
  3. Walking to the store, it began to rain heavily.
  4. The store was nearby; then, the rain poured heavily.

The correct answer is A. While walking to the store, the rain began to pour heavily.


  • A is the clearest sentence, accurately describing that the rain began to pour while the subject was on the way to the store.
  • B, while grammatically correct, suggests that the rain’s onset was due to the act of walking, which is not the intended meaning.
  • C can be misconstrued as if the store was raining.
  • D separates the act of walking to the store and the rain, making them seem unrelated.
Source: iPREP

Spelling Sub-section

The spelling sub-section follows a standard multiple-choice format. In this sub-section, you’ll see sentences with a missing word, indicated by a blank. Four different spellings of the same word are provided, and it’s up to the test-taker to identify the correctly spelled word in that context.

Spelling Sample Question

The apple pie has a wonderful __________ that fills the room.

  1. sent
  2. scent
  3. cent
  4. sents

The correct answer is B. scent


  • A “sent” is the past tense of the verb “send.”
  • B “scent” refers to a distinct smell, especially one that is pleasant. It is the correct word in this context.
  • C “cent” is a unit of currency.
  • D “sents” is not a recognized English word.
Source: iPREP

Vocabulary Sub-section

The vocabulary sub-section also uses a standard multiple-choice format. Test-takers need to pick the response that best matches the synonym or meaning of the highlighted word in the provided text. Words tested in the spelling and vocabulary sub-sections are commonly used in law enforcement.

Vocabulary Sample Question

The suspect was evasive during the interrogation.

  1. eager
  2. honest
  3. avoidant
  4. aggressive

The correct answer is C. avoidant


  • A “eager” means having a sharp or keen interest, which is opposite to the context of the highlighted word.
  • B “honest” indicates truthfulness and is not synonymous with “evasive.”
  • C “avoidant” closely matches the meaning of “evasive,” which implies deliberately avoiding or being unclear.
  • D “aggressive” indicates a confrontational or hostile behavior, which does not match “evasive.”

2. Reading Ability Section

Reading skills are assessed through two distinct sub-sections:

Reading Comprehension Sub-section

This sub-section has 28 questions. Passages in this sub-section can be as short as a paragraph or as long as a page. After reading, participants answer multiple-choice questions based on the content. Each passage provides the necessary information to answer the questions and touches on general themes.

Reading Comprehension Sample Question

Detective Garcia entered the room, immediately noting the shattered vase by the fireplace and an open window, with the curtain flapping in the brisk evening breeze. The room was in disarray, with papers scattered everywhere and a drawer left ajar. It was clear to her that the house had been hastily searched by someone.

Question: Which of the following observations made by Detective Garcia suggests that someone had gone through the room’s contents?

  1. The brisk evening breeze
  2. The shattered vase by the fireplace.
  3. The curtain flapping near the open window.
  4. Papers scattered everywhere and a drawer left ajar.

The correct answer is D. Papers scattered everywhere and a drawer left ajar.


  • A is incorrect; the brisk evening breeze is unrelated to the room’s contents.
  • B is incorrect; while the shattered vase indicates a disturbance, it doesn’t directly suggest someone searched through the room’s contents.
  • C is incorrect; the flapping curtain indicates an open window but not that someone went through the room’s items.
  • D is correct; scattered papers and an open drawer indicate that someone likely went through the room’s contents.
Source: iPREP

CLOZE Sub-section

The 40-question CLOZE Sub-section is the second test for reading proficiency. In this sub-section, candidates read a passage. The beginning and end of each passage are complete. However, from the first to the last sentence, every seventh word has been removed. Words that can be deduced from the context are left in. A dashed line indicates each deleted word, with each dash representing a letter from the removed word. 

Test-takers must use context clues from the passage to determine the right words. Since no word choices are provided, the word must come from the test-taker’s own vocabulary. Words that fit grammatically and make sense in the context are considered correct. In some cases, multiple words might fit, but only one word might fill the space perfectly. If multiple words work, credit is given as long as the chosen word fits the context best.

CLOZE Sample Question

Fill in the blanks using appropriate words. Ensure the word you choose fits the context and has the same number of letters as the dashes provided.

The morning began like any other in the small town. Sheriff Hayes started his patrol early, making his way to the local diner. On his way, he saw kids riding their bikes, a sight that always made him _ _ _ _ _. The diner was busy with the morning rush, people grabbing a quick _ _ _ _ before heading to work. Jenny, the waitress, poured him a cup of _ _ _ _ _ _ without asking. By noon, he’d checked in with most of the town’s folks and felt good about another _ _ _ _ _ day on duty. The peace in the town was a testament to its close-knit community and the efforts of its local police


  • Smile: Justification: The sight of kids playing or doing something joyful often brings about positive reactions, such as a smile.
  • Bite: Justification: In the context of a diner during the morning rush, people typically grab a quick bite to eat. Alternative solution: meal
  • Coffee: Justification: A common drink in diners, especially in the morning. The fact that Jenny poured it without asking suggests it’s his usual. There are others drinks in six letters, but most of them are alcoholic beverages, which would not be fitting for a sheriff.
  • Quiet: Justification: A day without incidents or disturbances for law enforcement can be described as a quiet day. Words with synonymous meanings are typically longer than 5 letters.
Source: iPREP

3. Reasoning Ability Section

The logical reasoning sub-section of the PELLET B test is designed to evaluate how well you can uncover and analyze details from the provided information. This sub-section contains 16 multiple-choice questions and is broken down into three distinct areas:

Ordering Information: In this part, you’ll be given a text with specific details. After reading, you will need to answer questions based on your understanding of the content.

Grouping Information: Here, you’ll be shown a list of items that have something in common. Your task is to identify which item doesn’t belong with the others.

Pattern Recognition: This sub-section presents you with a sequence of numbers, letters, or shapes. Your challenge is to determine the next item in the sequence by recognizing the underlying pattern.

Reasoning Ability Sample Question

If the sequence follows the pattern shown below, which letter would come next? 

M, P, S, V, …

  1. W
  2. X
  3. Y
  4. Z

The correct answer is C. Y


To determine the next letter in the sequence, we need to first identify the pattern:

Between M and P, there are two letters: M, N, O, P Between P and S, there are two letters: P, Q, R, S Between S and V, there are two letters: S, T, U, V

Continuing this pattern, we skip two letters after V:

Between V and Y, there are two letters: V, W, X, Y

Therefore, the correct answer is C. Y.

Source: iPREP

Preparation Strategies

Improving general reading and writing skills requires consistent practice over time. Online preparation resources such as iPREP can help identify language-related weaknesses. They offer guidance on effective strategies to address these areas.

Preparation Tips for Each Test Component:


  • Aim for a clear understanding of explicit versus ambiguous sentences.
  • Be aware of common writing mistakes like sentence fragments, run-on sentences, and vague references.
  • Focus on grammar rules related to these errors to boost your test score.


  • Set aside dedicated time each day for reading and writing.
  • Engage actively with the language by reading books or newspapers for extended periods.
  • Avoid memorizing long lists of isolated words; practice using them in context instead.
  • If faced with an unfamiliar word during the test, use context clues from the surrounding sentence.
  • Pay attention to subtle differences between words; sometimes more than one word might seem like a correct answer.


  • Words used in this section are typically found in real police reports, but there’s no specific word list to study.
  • Focus on understanding the basic rules governing spelling, such as the ‘i before e rule,’ understanding prefixes and suffixes, and the plural forms of nouns.

Reading Comprehension:

  • Before diving into the passage, first look over the question and its multiple-choice answers. This provides a clearer purpose when reading the passage.
  • Always read questions carefully to avoid misunderstanding them.
  • Remember, answers should be based solely on the passage’s content. Avoid letting personal beliefs or outside knowledge influence your choices.

CLOZE sub-Section:

  • Context is Key: Always consider the overall context of the passage. The words before and after the blank can give strong hints about the missing word’s meaning and function.
  • Grammar Hints: Pay attention to grammar clues. For instance, if the word before a blank is “an”, you know the missing word likely starts with a vowel.
  • Process of Elimination: Even if you’re unsure about the exact word, try to think of words that wouldn’t fit either grammatically or contextually, and rule them out. Sometimes narrowing down options can lead you closer to the correct word, even if it doesn’t come to mind immediately.

Here’s a piece of advice from a test-taker:

“The insert the obscure word into the blank space with exactly the right number of letters section is kinda wacky, but not too difficult.
Other than that, it’s pretty easy. If you took your education 1/2 serious, you should be good to go.
If you have read more than a handful of adult books, and know how to speak intelligently, you will be more than prepared.
I am a good test taker though, so maybe my experience is vastly different than others.”

Source: Reddit/AskLE

Test Features

Second Step Of A Seven-Step Process

One part of the overall selection procedure to become a peace officer in California is the PELLETB (POST Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery). Aspiring candidates must successfully complete each stage of the procedure. Let’s look at each stage in detail in a methodical way:

  • Application Process: Candidates must submit an application through the California Law Enforcement Job Opportunities website and provide a thorough personal history in addition to their basic biographical data.
  • Written PELLET Exam: The POST Entry-level Law Enforcement Test Battery (PELLETB), evaluates candidates’ reading and writing skills, must be passed by applicants. In order to move on in the hiring process, acing this exam is necessary.
  • Physical Ability Test: To assess applicants’ physical fitness, the majority of law enforcement organizations administer a Physical Ability Test (PAT). Vertical jumps, sit-ups, push-ups, sprints, and a 1.5-mile run are all regular aspects of the standards, though the specifics may vary.
  • Oral Interview: The fourth step is an oral interview, conducted under a panel of department heads, employees, and/or human resources personnel. The interview assesses several factors, including knowledge, problem-solving abilities, motivation, communication skills, and interpersonal and civic awareness.
  • Background Check: A thorough background check is done to confirm the applicant’s past. This entails submitting a personal history statement, fingerprinting, having a background investigator interview you, and undergoing a polygraph test. Deliberate errors or omissions could result in rejection.
  • Medical Evaluation: Prior to the medical evaluation, candidates must first complete a medical history statement. In this process, accuracy and thoroughness are crucial. The test has to be given by a certified examiner.
  • Psychological Evaluation: A licensed psychologist or psychiatrist conducts a psychological evaluation, which includes written psychological tests,  a personal history questionnaire, and a clinical interview. This step ensures the mental suitability of candidates for a career in law enforcement.

The hiring process is demanding, and applicants are advised to prepare thoroughly, maintain accuracy and professionalism throughout, and research the specific law enforcement agency they are applying to.


Participating in the POST Program and using PELLETB as their written exam are more than 600 police and sheriff organizations throughout California. 

A very brief list of some of them is provided below:

  • California Highway Patrol (CHP)
  • BART Police Officer Selection Test
  • Oakland Police Written Exam
  • Sacramento Police Written Exam
  • Santa Barbara Police Written Exam
  • San Jose Police Written Exam

Larger counties like San Francisco, San Diego, and Los Angeles have their own tests and don’t use the PELLETB.

Technical Facts

Fast Facts (tl:dr)

  • A candidate can expect the test to feature around 100-120 questions which he must respond to within the provided time of 2:30 hours. 
  • Multiple choice for most of the items. 
  • Mostly administered online
  • Passing the test is a must in order to be a California peace officer. 
  • Considered one of the most difficult exams for police entry in the USA. 
  • More than 600 California police and sheriff agencies utilize the written exam as a part of their hiring process. 
  • The passing score may vary as per the rules of different agencies.
Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for taking the POST PELLETB may vary slightly from one agency to another, but generally, the following requirements are common:

  • Age: Typically, candidates must be at least 18 years old at the time of application. Some agencies may have a higher minimum age requirement, such as 21.
  • Citizenship: Candidates must be a U.S. citizen or a permanent resident eligible for U.S. citizenship.
  • Education: A high school diploma or equivalent (GED) is usually the minimum educational requirement. Some agencies may require some college coursework or an associate’s degree.
  • Criminal Record: Candidates must have a clean criminal record, with no felony convictions or certain misdemeanor convictions that would disqualify them from law enforcement service.
  • Driver’s License: A valid driver’s license is typically required, and candidates should have a good driving record.
  • Citizenship Status and Residency: Some agencies may require candidates to be U.S. citizens and residents of the state they are applying to.
Common and Past Names of The Test

The POST Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery (PELLETB) has been the commonly used name for the test for many years. However, it’s possible that in the past, different names or versions of the test might have been used by various law enforcement agencies or organizations. These names might not be in use anymore, but they were earlier iterations of the test. Some of the past or alternative names for the test include:

  • POST Written Examination: This is a simple and generic name that was used before the adoption of more specific titles.
  • POST Entry-Level Test: A straightforward and descriptive name used to refer to the entry-level law enforcement test.
  • PELLETB (POST Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery): An older version of the test name, which has been updated to PELLETB.
  • LEAB (Law Enforcement Aptitude Battery): Another name that may have been used for a version of the test at some point.
  • POST Police Officer Selection Test (POST POST): In the past, the “POST” acronym may have been repeated to emphasize the connection to the Peace Officer Standards and Training program.
PELLETB Test Registration

To apply, follow these steps:

1) Visit the California Law Enforcement Job Opportunities website.

2) Browse through the job postings to find the position that aligns with your needs and qualifications.

3) Click on the specific job posting to access the application details.

4) Provide your basic personal information, including:

  • Full name: Enter your legal name as it appears on official documents.
  • Address: Provide your current residential address, including city, state, and ZIP code.
  • Date of birth: In the required format (MM/DD/YYYY), enter your date of birth.

5) Prepare to fill out a more extensive personal history information section, which may include:

  • Contact information: Email address and phone/mobile number for communication purposes.
  • Employment history: Details of your previous work experiences, and company names, including job titles and dates of employment.
  • Education: List your educational qualifications, such as degrees, certificates, and institutions attended.
  • Licenses and certifications: Specify any relevant licenses or certifications you hold, such as driver’s licenses or specific law enforcement certifications.
  • Criminal history: Be prepared to provide information about any past criminal convictions or legal issues if required.
  • Military service: If applicable, include details of your military service, if any.
  • References: Some applications may request references from previous employers or other individuals who can vouch for your character and work ethic.

6) Double-check all the information you entered for accuracy before submitting the application.

7) Follow any additional instructions provided in the job posting, such as attaching a resume, cover letter, or other relevant documents.

8) Submit your completed application through the online system as directed.

9) Keep a copy of your application confirmation or any other relevant details for your records.

10) Monitor your email and the application portal for any updates or notifications regarding the status of your application.

Keep in mind that the application procedure may differ slightly depending on whatever department or agency of law enforcement you are applying to. To make sure you supply all required information and submit your application by the deadline, always carefully read the directions and requirements listed in the job offer.

Retake Policy

The regulations state that you must wait a minimum of 30 days before being eligible to retake the PELLETB exam if you do not pass it on your first try. Your score will be invalidated if you try to retake the exam before the 30-day waiting period has passed. Therefore, it is essential to give yourself enough time to study and prepare before taking the test again. Use this waiting period to concentrate on improving your areas of weakness and finding more resources to improve your chances of success. Keep in mind that careful planning and commitment might greatly enhance your results in a later effort.

Results Scale and Interpretations

How Is the Exam Scored?

When POST scans test responses electronically, statistical computations are done to turn raw scores—the number of correctly answered questions—into a “T-score.” A T-score is a uniform score that plots a test-taker’s performance on a distribution (bell-shaped curve) with an average midpoint of 50 and a standard deviation of 10. When compared to other test-takers, a person’s performance is regarded as “average” if his or her score is in the range of 50. A score of 40 or less is regarded as “below average.”

A score of equal to or higher than 60 is regarded as “above average.” According to research, for every point earned above 42, the likelihood of successfully completing the academy improves.

All of the test-taker’s responses are taken into account in the test battery’s ongoing analyses.

How Long Is My PELLET B Score Good For? 

The department letter from the prior administration may be provided to the potential employer because a POST test score has no expiration date. However, it is up to each department to decide what appropriate time limits for a reading and writing test’s shelf life are.

How Do I Get My Test Results?

POST is unable to give test results directly to candidates or other unauthorized individuals due to security concerns. Applicants must get their test results from all agencies/academies using the PELLETB within 30 days of the exam’s administration. Please allow time for the agency or academy to process your results if it has been less than 30 days. If it has been more than 30 days, get in touch with the organization that handled the PELLETB’s initial administration to provide you with the result. The results can also be obtained by contacting POST on your behalf through an authorized agency representative (i.e., a person named on a current POST Security Agreement) from any of the POST’s user agencies.

Incase you are wondering what score is required in order to pass this test, here’s a statement from an experience test-taker to clarify things:

“A “passing score” depends on the agency, and they would look at the T-score which is a combination.”

Source: Reddit/thejamv

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What is the PELLETB test?

The PELLETB (Post Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery) is a standardized written exam designed to assess the basic skills and abilities required for entry-level law enforcement positions in California. It tests applicants in various areas, including reading comprehension, writing ability, reasoning, and perceptual abilities.

What topics are covered in the PELLETB test? 

The PELLETB exam covers a wide range of subjects, including reading and comprehending written material, producing persuasive reports, analyzing circumstances and reaching reasoned conclusions, and comprehending law enforcement jargon.

How long is the PELLETB test? 

The length of the PELLETB test can vary depending on the agency administering it. Generally, it consists of multiple-choice questions and may take 2:30 hours to complete.

Can I prepare for the PELLETB test? 

Yes, you can prepare for the PELLETB test. There are various study guides and practice tests available online or through reputable providers that can help you familiarize yourself with the test format and content.

What is a passing score for the PELLETB test? 

The passing score for the PELLETB test is determined by each law enforcement agency. Different agencies may have different passing score requirements, so it’s essential to check with the specific agency you are applying to for their passing score criteria. 

How often can I take the PELLETB test? 

The frequency of test-taking opportunities can vary between agencies. Some agencies may have a waiting period between attempts, while others may allow candidates to retake the test after a specific period of time. Generally, you must wait for a period of 30 days before being eligible to take the test again.

Can I use my PELLETB scores for multiple law enforcement agencies? 

In most cases, PELLETB scores are agency-specific and may not be transferable to other agencies. Each agency may require candidates to take their version of the test for their hiring process.

Can I appeal my PELLETB test results? 

The appeal process for PELLETB test results may differ between agencies. If you believe there was an error in your test administration or scoring, you should follow the appeal procedures outlined by the POST.

Is the PELLETB test the only requirement for becoming a law enforcement officer in California?

No, the PELLETB test is just one part of the overall hiring process for law enforcement positions in California. Other requirements can include physical fitness tests, background checks, interviews, and psychological evaluations, among others. Each agency will have its specific hiring process.

Test Tips

Here are some additional guidelines for completing the test:

  • Use the Correct Space: Verify that you are marking your responses in the correct location on the answer sheet. Verify that the answer sheet is properly aligned with each question’s matching number in the test booklet before moving on.
  • Maintain a Steady Surface: Keep your answer sheet flat and on a hard surface while choosing your responses to guarantee accurate marking. This avoids accidental smudges or blemishes that can have an impact on the scoring.
  • Darken Circles Completely: Mark your responses on the answer sheet by pressing down firmly with the pencil to completely darken the circle. Aim to stay within the circle; otherwise, the scoring algorithm can read your stray markings as responses.
  • Pencil Only: Ensure to just mark your responses using the provided pencil. Avoid using pens, markers, or any other marking tools because the scanning equipment could not recognise them properly.
  • Erasing Answers: If you decide to change an answer, thoroughly erase your initial choice before marking the new one. Ensure that no residual marks are left, as they might lead to scoring errors.
  • Answer All Questions: While it’s essential to manage your time effectively during the test, try to answer all the questions if possible. Unanswered questions will not be penalized, so it’s better to make an educated guess if you are unsure of the correct answer.
  • Time Management: Be mindful of the time allocated for the test. If you encounter a particularly challenging question that takes too much time, consider skipping it and returning to it later, after completing the rest of the questions. This approach allows you to allocate your time more efficiently.
  • Consider All Choices: Read and analyze all the answer choices before selecting the correct one. Some questions may have answers that seem plausible at first glance, so it’s crucial to evaluate all the options carefully.
  • Stay Focused: Concentrate on the test and avoid any distractions around you. Clear your mind and give your full attention to each question to provide accurate and thoughtful responses.

To ease things out for you here’s a tip from a test-taker- 

“I scored a 57 on my PELLETB and used a study guide. A lot of people including myself dont really realize that the test is actually decently “hard”. The hardest part for most people is the CLOZE.

Some people are types that need to study and some aren’t. Dont be ashamed if you need to study because tons of people did before.

First test score I had was like a 40 as well.”

Source: Reddit/Winter094


  • Test Administrators– The department or agency that is hiring for entry-level law enforcement personnel normally administers the PELLETB exam. Each agency may have its own distinct test requirements and evaluation standards.
  • Test Schedule– Scheduled mostly by the organizing authority
  • Test Format- Mostly administered online
  • Test Materials- No material apart from a valid ID proof is allowed inside the testing center. 
  • Cost- POST does not charge a fee for the test. However, you must check with your agency as it may charge a fee to cover various assessment expenses. 
  • Retake Policy- You must wait for a period of 30 days before being eligible to take the test again.

Test Provider

The PELLETB (Post Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery) test is officially provided by the California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST). The POST is responsible for setting and maintaining the minimum standards for law enforcement recruitment, training, and certification in the state of California.

Information Sources

Disclaimer – Every tutoring guide and study guide on iPREP is accurate and was written with the sole aim of offering assistance. iPREP is not affiliated with the PELLETB (POST Entry-Level Law Enforcement Test Battery) or California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) (the provider of PELLETB), or any other brands or organizations mentioned in the content above.

Free PELLETB practice test: Get to know what the PELLETB Test will be like by practicing with these sample questions:

Clarity Questions

Question 1

Choose the sentence that is worded the most accurately and clearly:

  1. The cat chased its tail spinning around in the living room.
  2. In the living room, the cat chased its tail as it spun around.
  3. Spinning around in the living room, the cat’s tail was chased.
  4. The living room watched as the cat spun, chasing its tail.

The correct answer is  B. In the living room, the cat chased its tail as it spun around.


  • A has an ambiguous modifier; it’s unclear if the cat or the tail was spinning.
  • B clearly conveys the cat’s action in the living room.
  • C incorrectly suggests that the “living room” is doing the action of spinning.
  • D personifies the living room, implying it watched the cat, which is not clear communication.
Source: iPREP
Question 2

Choose the sentence that is worded the most accurately and clearly:

  1. The teacher, she said, believes that tomorrow’s test will be tough.
  2. The teacher said that tomorrow’s test, she believes, will be tough.
  3. Tomorrow’s test, the teacher believes, will be tough.
  4. She said the teacher believes that tomorrow’s test will be tough.

The correct answer is D. She said the teacher believes that tomorrow’s test will be tough.


  • A has redundant subject use with “The teacher” and “she”.
  • B interrupts the main message about the test with the interjection “she believes.”
  • C, although not grammatically incorrect, could be clearer.
  • D presents the information clearly and in a logical order, making it the best choice.
Source: iPREP

Spelling Questions

Question 1

The movie was a __________ of the original book.

  1. dilution
  2. dilettion
  3. deletion
  4. dilatation

The correct answer is A. dilution.


  • A “dilution” is a reduction in the strength, concentration, or quality of something, which makes sense in this context, implying the movie may not have lived up to the book.
  • B “dilettion” is not a recognized English word.
  • C “deletion” means removing something entirely, which isn’t the right context here.
  • D “dilatation” refers to an enlargement, dilation, or stretching of a hole or a tube, not suitable in this context
Source: iPREP
Question 2

The cat tried to __________ the high shelf

  1. jump too
  2. jump two
  3. jump to
  4. jump tu

The correct answer is C. jump to


  • A “jump too” uses “too” in the sense of “also” or “excessively,” which doesn’t fit here.
  • B “jump two” indicates a quantity, which isn’t the context here.
  • C “jump to” indicates an action directed towards something, making it the correct choice.
  • D “tu” is not a recognized English word.
Source: iPREP

Vocabulary Questions

Question 1

The officer conducted a thorough search of the vehicle.

  1. cursory
  2. incomplete
  3. comprehensive
  4. hasty

The correct answer is C. comprehensive


  • A “cursory” means a quick or superficial examination, which is opposite to “thorough.”
  • B “incomplete” implies something not finished, which does not align with the detailed nature of “thorough.”
  • C “comprehensive” means complete and detailed, synonymous with “thorough.”
  • D “hasty” means done in a rush and does not equate to the deliberate detail of “thorough.”
Source: iPREP
Question 2

The evidence was deemed inadmissible in court.

  1. relevant
  2. unallowable
  3. credible
  4. dependable

The correct answer is B. unallowable


  • A “relevant” indicates something that is appropriate or applicable, which doesn’t describe “inadmissible.”
  • B “unallowable” means not permitted, which aligns with the meaning of “inadmissible.”
  • C “credible” refers to the believability or trustworthiness of something, which doesn’t equate to “inadmissible.”
  • D “dependable” means reliable, which doesn’t match the context of “inadmissible.”
Source: iPREP

Reading Comprehension Questions

Officer Lopez received a call about a disturbance at Maple Street Park. Arriving on the scene, he saw a group of children playing near the pond, a woman reading a book on a bench, and two men having an animated discussion by the basketball court. The loud voices of the men attracted a small crowd of onlookers, clearly the source of the complaint. Officer Lopez approached the men, asking them to lower their voices and reminding them to be considerate of others.

Question 1

What was the primary reason for Officer Lopez’s visit to Maple Street Park?

  1. To warn children playing by the pond from drowning
  2. To put an end to a quarrel between two men.
  3. To watch out for a small crowd of onlookers.
  4. To make a routine patrol on Maple Street Park.

The correct answer is B. To put an end to a quarrel between two men.


  • A is incorrect; while children playing near the pond were observed by Officer Lopez, there’s no indication in the passage that his main reason was to warn them.
  • B is correct; the disturbance call and the subsequent actions of Officer Lopez to approach the men and ask them to lower their voices indicates that the quarrel was the primary concern.
  • C is incorrect; the small crowd of onlookers was a result of the men’s loud discussion, not the primary reason for Officer Lopez’s visit.
  • D is incorrect; the passage states Officer Lopez was responding to a call, not making a routine patrol.
Source: iPREP
Question 2

What action did Officer Lopez take upon identifying the source of the disturbance?

  1. He separated the two men.
  2. He asked the men to leave the park.
  3. He joined the two men in their discussion.
  4. He requested the men to speak more quietly.

The correct answer is  D. He requested the men to speak more quietly.


  • A is incorrect; there’s no mention in the passage of Officer Lopez separating the men.
  • B is incorrect; Officer Lopez approached the men and asked them to lower their voices, but did not ask them to leave the park.
  • C is incorrect; there’s no indication in the passage that Officer Lopez joined in the discussion.
  • D is correct; Officer Lopez approached the men and asked them to lower their voices, indicating his request for them to speak more quietly.
Source: iPREP

CLOZE Questions

Question 1

Officer Carter had always been passionate about her job. During her patrols, she would often _ _ _ _ with the local store owners, getting updates and ensuring their _ _ _ _ _ _. One day, while driving past the main street, she _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a group of teenagers acting suspiciously. She decided to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ them, not with hostility, but with a positive attitude. By the end of their conversation, the teens promised to be more careful and respectful in the _ _ _ _ _ _.


Officer Carter had always been passionate about her job. During her patrols, she would often chat with the local store owners, getting updates and ensuring their safety. One day, while driving past the main street, she spotted a group of teenagers acting suspiciously. She decided to approach them, not with hostility, but with a positive attitude. By the end of their conversation, the teens promised to be more careful and respectful in the future.


  • Chat: The context suggests a friendly interaction between Officer Carter and the store owners. “Chat” indicates a casual form of conversation that is consistent with the tone of the passage. An alternative solution is “talk.”
  • Safety: The duty of an officer is to ensure the well-being and security of the community members, including store owners. This is in line with her getting updates and ensuring something for the store owners.
  • Spotted: Given that Officer Carter was driving and noticed the teenagers, “spotted” is the most appropriate verb to indicate that she saw something specific. An alternative solution is “noticed.”
  • Approach: Given the context that she decided to get closer to the teenagers to interact with them, “approach” fits best. It also complements the idea that she did so without hostility. Note that the word that follows is “them,” therefore, verbs such as “talk” are irrelevant because they require “to” before “them.”
  • Future: The teens’ promise of carefulness and respect would likely apply to their behavior to follow, which infers “future.”
Source: iPREP

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