FINRA SIE Practice Exam

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FINRA SIE stands for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority Securities Industry Essentials exam. It is a comprehensive exam designed to assess individuals’ knowledge of basic securities industry concepts. The SIE exam covers a vast range of topics, including types of securities, market structure, regulatory agencies, industry rules and regulations, and ethical considerations. It serves as a foundational exam for individuals seeking to pursue a career in the securities industry.

Did you know?

As an aspiring SIE exam taker, you’re expected to solve 75 multiple-choice questions along with 10 pretest queries, each with four potential answers. The test is divided into four parts: 1) Knowledge of Capital Markets, 2) Understanding Products and Their Risks, 3) Understanding Trading, Customer Accounts and Prohibited Activities, and 4) Overview of Regulatory Framework.

Each segment contributes to different exam percentages, ensuring a balanced coverage of vital securities industry topics. To give your exam performance an edge, it’s recommended to dive deep into the Regulatory Framework aspect.

Successful completion of the SIE exam is a prerequisite for many other licensing exams, such as the Series 7 or Series 6 exams, which allow individuals to engage in specific securities activities. The SIE exam provides you a fundamental understanding of the securities industry and helps you to ensure that individuals entering the industry have a solid knowledge base.

Whether you’re a beginner in the securities industry or looking for ways to refresh your knowledge, this guide will provide you with practice questions, valuable insights, and essential tips to boost your confidence and enhance your chances of success on the SIE assessment. Get ready to dive into the world of securities industry essentials and equip yourself with the tools you need to excel in your exam. Let’s embark on this journey together!

Here’s a message for candidates preparing for the test: 

“For everyone who is taking it, just keep studying!!! Its all about the confidence! This exam will help you realize if you truly want to work in the financial services industry.”

Source: Reddit/zeraphyll

Question Types Explained

Before taking the test, it is essential to have a fundamental understanding of the various securities and investment types. The test may include questions that require you to match investments with their distinct qualities. You will be presented with the name, type, or category of a security, and your task will be to select the response that best describes it.

The exam consists of 75 multiple-choice items, and each item consists of four answer choices, providing candidates with a range of options to choose from. The allocation of test items is as follows, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation of knowledge across different areas:

SectionsPercentage of Exam QuestionsNumber of Exam Questions
(1) Knowledge of Capital Markets16%12
(2) Understanding Products and Their Risks44%33
(3) Understanding Trading, Customer Accounts and Prohibited Activities31%23
(4) Overview of Regulatory Framework9%7
FINRA SIE Exam Structure. Source: FINRA

When preparing for the FINRA SIE exam, candidates must prioritize “Understanding Trading, Customer Accounts, and Prohibited Activities” and “Understanding Products and Their Risks” as these two sections form a significant portion of the exam. Other areas should also be prepared with utmost dedication in order to ace the exam; however, if you only aim to pass the exam mastering these two sections would be enough.

In order to ace all the allocations, you are first required to have an understanding of them all, so let’s get a basic understanding of all these allocations:

Knowledge of Capital Markets

This section focuses on understanding various types of securities (stocks, bonds, options, mutual funds, etc.), their characteristics, valuation methods, and the factors affecting their prices. 

It would help if you had a fundamental grasp of the various securities and investment kinds before taking the test. You’ll be asked questions that ask you to match up various investments with their unique qualities. 

In these questions, the security’s name, type, or category is frequently provided; your task is to select the response that best describes the security. The advantages and limitations unique to ownership of particular investment vehicles may also be the focus of this subject.

Knowledge of Capital Markets Sample Question

Which of the following best describes the role of a market maker in the capital markets?

  1. Market makers facilitate the trading of securities by matching buyers and sellers.
  2. Market makers earn a profit by investing in stocks and bonds.
  3. Market makers provide advisory services to individual investors.
  4. Market makers regulate the activities of stock exchanges.


The correct answer is A: Market makers facilitate the trading of securities by matching buyers and sellers.

Explanation: A market maker is a financial institution or individual that helps facilitate the liquidity and trading of securities in the capital markets. They do this by acting as a counterparty to both buyers and sellers, meaning they are willing to buy securities from sellers or sell securities to buyers. Market makers help maintain an orderly market by providing liquidity and ensuring that there is always a buyer or seller available for a particular security. They earn profits through the bid-ask spread, which is the difference between the price at which they buy securities and the price at which they sell them.

Understanding Products and Their Risks

This section assesses knowledge about investment risks, including liquidity risk, market risk, operational risk, and credit risk. It also covers the features and risks associated with different investment products and strategies. 

The SIE exam requires you to comprehend the inherent risks associated with each investment option in addition to having a basic understanding of the various securities used in the financial securities business. 

Market risk, credit risk, interest rate risk, and inflation rate risk are only a few of the dangers involved. The exam may provide you with the option of making an investment and ask you to select the investment’s biggest risk.

Understanding Products and Their Risks Sample Question

Which of the following investment products is typically associated with the highest level of liquidity?

  1. Certificates of deposit (CDs)
  2. Treasury bills (T-bills)
  3. Corporate bonds
  4. Real estate investment trusts (REITs)


The correct answer is B: Treasury bills (T-bills).

Explanation: Treasury bills, also known as T-bills, are short-term debt securities issued by the U.S. government. They are typically considered to have the highest level of liquidity among the options provided. T-bills are highly liquid because they are actively traded in the secondary market and can be easily bought or sold before their maturity date. Certificates of deposit (CDs) (option A), corporate bonds (option C), and real estate investment trusts (REITs) (option D) are relatively less liquid compared to T-bills.

Understanding Trading, Customer Accounts, and Prohibited Activities

This section covers the mechanics of trading securities, such as order types, trade execution, settlement, and the roles of market participants.

The SIE provides an overview of the several kinds of client accounts that may be opened, including fiduciary, commercial, and personal accounts. You must be familiar with the many types of business structures and the paperwork required to create these accounts. 

This exam section may include questions on various account kinds, trade types, particular account requirements, customer account management, the information needed to open an account, and the knowledge required to provide recommendations.

FINRA collaborates with the SEC, MSRB, CBOE, and state regulators to guarantee that the securities sector treats clients fairly. The SIE exam will include questions on various illegal practices, including insider trading, market manipulation, unlawful use of customer securities or cash, and financial exploitation of seniors. 

You need to be aware of FINRA’s conduct and suitability policies as well as illegal, dishonest, and fraudulent business activities. It also highlights the importance of ethical and fair practices, including identifying and preventing prohibited activities, such as insider trading and market manipulation. 

Understanding Trading, Customer Accounts, and Prohibited Activities Sample Question

Which of the following activities is prohibited under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934?

  1. Insider trading
  2. Short selling
  3. Front-running
  4. Arbitrage


The correct answer is C: Front-running.

Explanation: Front-running refers to the practice of a broker-dealer executing orders on a security for its own account while taking advantage of advanced knowledge of pending orders from customers. It is considered a fraudulent activity and is prohibited under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Insider trading (option A) involves trading on non-public, material information and is also prohibited. Short selling (option B) and arbitrage (option D) are legitimate trading strategies that are not prohibited by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

Regulatory Framework

This crucial section delves into the intricate regulatory landscape that governs the securities industry. It goes beyond the surface and provides a deeper understanding of the functions and responsibilities of key regulatory bodies like FINRA and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). 

Exploring these regulatory bodies’ roles helps candidates comprehend their vital contributions to maintaining market integrity, investor protection, and fair practices. Additionally, this section sheds light on significant regulations, including the renowned Securities Act of 1933, which governs the issuance of securities, and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, which focuses on securities trading and exchanges. 

By mastering this section, candidates gain insights into the regulatory framework’s nuances and develop a solid foundation for operating within the boundaries of the securities industry.

Regulatory Framework Sample Question

Which of the following regulations requires broker-dealers to establish and enforce written anti-money laundering (AML) programs?

  1. Bank Secrecy Act (BSA)
  2. Investment Company Act of 1940
  3. Securities Act of 1933
  4. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002


The correct answer is A: Bank Secrecy Act (BSA).

Explanation: The Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) is a federal law that requires financial institutions, including broker-dealers, to establish and maintain effective anti-money laundering (AML) programs. AML programs aim to detect and prevent money laundering and other illicit activities by implementing policies, procedures, and internal controls. The Investment Company Act of 1940 (option B) regulates investment companies such as mutual funds. The Securities Act of 1933 (option C) primarily focuses on the registration and disclosure requirements for securities offerings. The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (option D) introduced reforms to improve corporate governance, financial reporting, and auditing standards.

FINRA SIE Preparation Strategies

Preparing for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority’s (FINRA) Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) exam requires a comprehensive strategy to ensure success. The SIE exam serves as a fundamental knowledge assessment for individuals seeking to enter the securities industry. By following an effective preparation strategy, candidates can increase their chances of clearing the exam on their first attempt. Here are some key steps to consider when preparing for the FINRA SIE exam:

Seek Guidance if Needed

If you find certain concepts particularly challenging or need additional clarification, consider seeking guidance from experienced professionals, tutors, or study groups. Their expertise can help you gain a deeper understanding of complex topics and provide valuable insights.

Review and Understand the Exam Content

Familiarize yourself with the exam syllabus and study materials provided by FINRA. Understand the key concepts, regulations, and terms that are likely to be covered on the exam.

Focus on Weak Areas

Identify the areas you lack behind in and allocate extra time to review and reinforce your understanding of those topics. Use the feedback from practice exams to target your studying effectively.

Create a Study Plan

Develop a study schedule that allows for consistent and focused preparation. Break down the content into manageable study sessions, allocating sufficient time for each topic. Be sure to include regular practice exams and review sessions to assess your progress and reinforce your understanding.

Take Advantage of Online Resources 

There are various online resources available, including video tutorials, forums, interactive and quizzes, where you can ask questions and engage with other SIE exam candidates. These resources can provide additional support and clarification on complex topics.

“The basics are important. I was expecting more questions to ask you to calculate yield/YTM/NAV etc., but equation questions were nearly nonexistent. Just understand the different ways that different securities pay their holders (ex: yield for bonds, dividends for stocks, spread for options)”

Source: reddit/j_bones98

Stay Organized and Motivated 

Maintain a structured approach throughout your preparation period. Keep track of your progress, set achievable goals, and reward yourself for milestones achieved. Staying motivated and disciplined will contribute to your success in the exam.

Stay Updated and Stay Confident

Keep yourself updated with any changes or updates in the securities industry regulations and practices. Trust your preparation and have confidence in your abilities. Maintaining a positive mindset will help you approach the exam with a calm and focused attitude.

Importance of Math Formulas 

Examinees frequently express anxiety about candidates’ ability to recall mathematical formulas. There are just a few possible formulae to memorize, even if there may be a few questions that call for computation. 

The test is most likely to cover the dividend yield, current yield, and parity formulas. Another daunting portion may be the one on bond yields. Even though it’s crucial to grasp the different yields, the only formula that often necessitates computation on the exam is for the present yield. 

A greater emphasis should be placed on understanding the factors that can impact bond yield and price changes. Comprehending the relationship between yields and prices, particularly the inverse correlation, is particularly important as it frequently appears in the exam questions.

Review and Final Preparation

In the days leading up to the exam, allocate time for comprehensive review sessions. Focus on consolidating your knowledge, reviewing key concepts, and practicing with timed mock exams to simulate the real exam environment.

Preparing for the FINRA SIE Exam requires a combination of study materials, practice exams, and strategies. There are various resources available for candidates to help them prepare effectively. The following table lists some of the common resources and preparation methods.

Resource/Preparation MethodDescription
Study GuidesComprehensive guides covering all content areas of the exam.
Online CoursesCourses designed to teach the material through lectures and demonstrations.
Practice ExamsMock exams replicating the format and content of the actual exam.
FlashcardsQuick reference cards for memorizing key concepts and terms.
Regulatory Authority WebsitesWebsites like FINRA provide official information and study materials.
Common Resources and Preparation Methods for the FINRA SIE Exam. Source: iPREP

Test Features

Purpose Of The FINRA SIE Exam 

The primary goals of the SIE exam are to:

  1. Establish a baseline understanding: The exam ensures that individuals possess a basic understanding of the securities industry, its regulations, and key concepts. It sets a minimum knowledge standard for those seeking to engage in securities-related activities.
  1. Enhance investor protection: Also known as the Investment Company and Variable Contracts Products Representative Qualification Exam, the Series 6 Exam focuses on the knowledge and skills necessary to sell mutual funds, variable annuities, and other investment company products.
  1. Prepare candidates for further licensing exams: Successful completion of the SIE exam is a prerequisite for many other licensing exams, such as the Series 7 or Series 6 exams. These subsequent exams allow individuals to engage in specific securities activities and further their careers within the industry.
  1. Foster industry professionalism: The SIE exam contributes to maintaining the professionalism and integrity of the securities industry. By ensuring that individuals possess a baseline knowledge of industry regulations and practices, it promotes ethical conduct and responsible behavior among professionals.

The purpose of the FINRA SIE exam is to provide a standardized assessment that validates individuals’ foundational knowledge of the securities industry, protects investors, and supports the professionalism and integrity of the industry as a whole.

Benefits Of The Exam 

Passing the SIE exam can provide a plethora of benefits to your career, opening up exciting opportunities and empowering you with a strong foundation in the securities industry.

Job hunting: Successfully passing the SIE exam instantly boosts your credentials and enhances your marketability in the competitive job market. It showcases your commitment to professional growth, making you an ideal candidate for potential employers. When you have the SIE qualification on your CV, it helps you highlight your potential and increases your chances of landing desirable positions in finance and securities-related roles.

Career advancement: The SIE exam is a stepping stone toward further licensing exams, such as the Series 7 or Series 6 exams. These additional qualifications allow you to register as a representative in the financial securities industry, unlocking doors to new career opportunities. With the SIE under your belt, you can embark on a fulfilling career path, whether as a broker, financial advisor, investment banker, or in other roles within the industry.

Enhanced knowledge: Studying for and passing the SIE exam ensures that you have a solid understanding of the core concepts and regulations governing the securities industry. This knowledge becomes the bedrock upon which you build your expertise and navigate the complex world of finance. It instills confidence in your abilities and equips you with the foundational knowledge necessary to excel in your professional endeavors.

Specialization opportunities: Once you have successfully passed the SIE exam, you have the option to pursue additional qualification exams that align with your career goals and interests. These specialized exams allow you to deepen your knowledge in specific areas, such as options trading, investment banking, or financial planning. By obtaining these specialized qualifications, you can cater to clients’ complex financial needs and offer valuable expertise that sets you apart in the industry.

Passing the SIE exam not only enhances your job prospects and career opportunities but also equips you with essential knowledge and allows you to specialize in areas of interest. It is a valuable step in establishing yourself as a competent and capable professional in the dynamic and ever-evolving world of the securities industry.

Prerequisite for Further Licensing Exams

It is important to note that the FINRA-SIE exam is a standalone test, meaning it can be taken independently without being associated with any other securities licensing exams. However, it is often a prerequisite for further licensing exams, like the Series 6 or Series 7 exams, which are required for specific job roles within the securities industry.

Preparing for the FINRA-SIE exam requires a thorough understanding of the exam structure and content areas. Candidates can utilize study materials provided by FINRA, including textbooks, practice exams, and online resources. Additionally, various training programs and courses are available to help candidates prepare effectively and increase their chances of success.

The FINRA-SIE exam is crucial in assessing the foundational knowledge and understanding of individuals aspiring to enter the securities industry. By familiarizing themselves with the exam structure and diligently preparing for the content areas, candidates can position themselves for success and lay a solid foundation for their future careers in the dynamic world of finance.

Career Advancement

Successfully passing the SIE exam is not only a significant milestone but also a pivotal moment for individuals willing to build their careers in the securities industry. This exam serves as a crucial foundation upon which further licensing exams, such as Series 6 or Series 7, can be pursued. These additional licenses are essential for specialized roles like investment advisor representatives or general securities representatives.

By passing the SIE exam, you demonstrate to potential employers and industry professionals that you possess the necessary knowledge and understanding of core securities industry concepts. It showcases your dedication to professional growth and sets you on the path toward achieving higher levels of expertise.

The SIE exam opens doors to a multitude of career opportunities within the securities industry. It equips you with the foundational knowledge required to navigate the complexities of the financial world. With the SIE qualification, you can pursue roles in areas such as investment advisory, securities trading, financial planning, or compliance.

Furthermore, the successful completion of the SIE exam serves as a stepping stone for obtaining additional licenses. These licenses allow you to engage in specific activities and provide specialized services to clients. For example, the Series 6 exam focuses on investment company products, while the Series 7 exam covers a broader range of securities, including stocks, bonds, and options. These licenses not only enhance your career prospects but also expand your scope of expertise and enable you to serve clients’ diverse financial needs.

Technical Facts

FINRA SIE Fast Facts

  • The exam consists of a total of 85 questions which includes 75 scored and 10 unidentified pretest questions. 
  • Multiple Choice Questions for most items 
  • Mostly administered online
  • The SIE’s passing mark is 70.
  • To take the SIE, you don’t need to be connected to a broker-dealer in any way.
  • Anybody, U.S. citizens or not, can take the test.

Exam Registration

Candidates can register for the SIE exam through FINRA’s Central Registration Depository (CRD) system or by contacting a FINRA-registered firm that sponsors their exam. You can take the exam at authorized testing centers, and scheduling options are typically flexible.

Registering and scheduling for the FINRA SIE Exam is an important part of the exam process. It is crucial to understand the steps involved in registering for the exam and scheduling a date to take it. The following table outlines the registration and scheduling process for the FINRA SIE Exam.

1. EligibilityNo affiliation with a FINRA member firm is required. Open to anyone aged 18 or older.
2. Account CreationCreate an account on the FINRA website to begin the registration process.
3. Exam EnrollmentEnroll for the SIE Exam through your account.
4. SchedulingSchedule your exam date, time, and location through the test delivery vendor, Pearson VUE.
5. ConfirmationAfter scheduling, you will receive a confirmation email with details of your appointment.
Steps for Registering and Scheduling the FINRA SIE Exam. Source: FINRA

Eligibility Criteria 

In order to take the FINRA’s SIE exam, there are certain criteria that candidates must meet. Let’s have a look at those norms: 

  • The minimum age of the candidate must be 18. 
  • When registering, you must give your mother’s maiden name if you don’t have a Social Security number. The data you supply for your SIE test and the data you give the broker-dealer to file the U4 must perfectly match in order for you to associate with a member company. In any other case, you might need to retest because your results won’t be transferred into your CRD record.
  • Candidates cannot be actively enrolled in Web CRD. 
  • Candidates must supply personal identifying information such as name and birth date.

The FINRA SIE exam is open to individuals from various backgrounds who are interested in the securities industry. It provides a foundational knowledge assessment and serves as a stepping stone for further licensing exams. Whether you are a recent graduate, career changer, or industry professional, the SIE exam offers an opportunity to develop a solid understanding of securities industry concepts and pursue a rewarding career in finance.

Exam Restructuring 

By developing the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE or Essentials) test and updating the representative-level qualification examinations, FINRA is reforming its representative-level qualification exam program.

The program will be reorganized to:

  • Reduce the need for repeated general knowledge examinations when registering for several categories.
  • Make it simpler for people to enter the securities sector.
SIE Significant Changes

By developing the SIE and updating the representative-level qualifying tests, FINRA has reorganized the curriculum for the examinations. Before their registration can take effect, all new representative-level applicants must pass the SIE and an updated representative-level qualification exam, such as the updated General Securities Representative (Series 7) exam, relevant to their job functions at the firm they are associating with, beginning on October 1, 2018. 

The SIE and the updated General Securities Representative (Series 7) examination must both be passed, for instance, by someone who wants to register as a General Securities Representative for the first time on October 10, 2018. 

Candidates who are looking for a representative-level registration as a precondition to a principal-level registration must also meet this criteria. Some previous and existing registered representatives will be regarded as having passed the SIE. Firms may also ask for a waiver of the eligibility restrictions for candidates who must pass the SIE, similar to the present waiver procedure. 

Full NameSecurities Industry Essentials Exam
Administered byFinancial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
PurposeTo assess basic knowledge of the securities industry
Exam FormatMultiple Choice
Number of Questions75 Questions + 10 Unscored Pretest Questions
Duration1 hour 45 minutes
Passing Score70%
General Information about the FINRA SIE Exam. Source: FINRA

By placing this information into the SIE, the reorganized program reduces redundant assessment of general securities knowledge on the representative-level certification tests. The revised representative-level qualification examinations will test knowledge pertinent to day-to-day activities, responsibilities, and job functions of representatives, as opposed to the SIE, which will test fundamental securities-related knowledge, including knowledge of basic products, the structure, and function of the securities industry, the regulatory agencies and their functions, and regulated and prohibited practices.

FINRA is axing a number of representative-level registration categories and related exams. Individuals who are still holding onto their deleted representative-level registrations will be grandfathered, meaning they may keep doing so on or after October 1, 2018, unless their registration expires. The following representative-level registrations are still being kept by FINRA, though: Investment Company and Variable Contracts Products Representative; General Securities Representative; Direct Participation Programs Representative; Securities Trader; Investment Banking Representative; Private Securities Offerings Representative; Research Analyst; and Operations Professional. 

Common names of the exam and disambiguation with other FINRA exams

The Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) exam is a specific exam offered by FINRA (Financial Industry Regulatory Authority) that focuses on foundational knowledge of the securities industry. It is important to note that the SIE exam is distinct from other FINRA exams, each serving a unique purpose and targeting different areas of expertise within the securities industry. Here are the common names of some of the FINRA exams and a brief disambiguation to help clarify their differences:

  1. SIE Exam (Securities Industry Essentials Exam): This exam tests candidates on basic industry knowledge and fundamental concepts related to the securities industry. It serves as a prerequisite for many other FINRA exams.
  1. Series 6 Exam: Also known as the Investment Company and Variable Contracts Products Representative Qualification Exam, this exam focuses on the knowledge and skills required to sell mutual funds, variable annuities, and other investment company products.
  1. Series 7 Exam: Known as the General Securities Representative Exam, this exam qualifies individuals to become general securities representatives, allowing them to buy and sell a broad range of securities products.
  1. Series 63 Exam: Referred to as the Uniform Securities Agent State Law Exam, this exam assesses candidates’ knowledge of state securities regulations and laws that are relevant to their securities activities.
  1. Series 65 Exam: Known as the Uniform Investment Adviser Law Exam, this exam is for individuals who wish to become investment adviser representatives and covers topics such as investment strategies, ethics, and fiduciary responsibilities.
  2. Series 66 Exam: Also known as the Uniform Combined State Law Exam, this exam combines the content of the Series 63 and Series 65 exams. It is required for individuals who want to become both securities agents and investment adviser representatives.


What is the FINRA SIE Exam? 

The FINRA SIE (Securities Industry Essentials) Exam is a comprehensive assessment that tests individuals on their knowledge of fundamental concepts and regulatory rules within the securities industry. It serves as a foundational exam for individuals pursuing a career in the securities industry.

Who is required to take the SIE Exam?

The SIE Exam is a requirement for individuals who want to work in the securities industry. It is mandatory for anyone seeking to become registered with a FINRA member firm or engage in specific securities-related activities.

What are the prerequisites for taking the SIE Exam?

There are no particular prerequisites for taking the SIE Exam. It is open to individuals of various backgrounds, including recent graduates, career changers, and industry professionals. However, registration through the FINRA Test Enrollment Services (TES) system or a FINRA-registered firm is necessary.

How is the SIE Exam structured?

There are 75 multiple-choice questions on the SIE Exam, and each question has four possible answers. The test covers a variety of subjects, such as securities products, regulatory organizations, business regulations, and ethical conduct. It is computer-based and given out at authorized testing facilities.

What is the passing score for the SIE Exam?

The SIE Exam’s passing mark is 70%. To pass the test, candidates must properly answer at least 53 of the 75 questions. It is essential to remember that FINRA may occasionally change the passing score.

Can the SIE Exam be taken online?

No, you cannot take the SIE Exam online. At accredited testing facilities, it must be taken in person. To guarantee the safety and integrity of the exam, these facilities offer a regulated testing environment.

How long is the SIE Exam score valid? 

The SIE Exam score is valid for four years from the date of passing. After this period, individuals must retake and pass the SIE Exam if they wish to maintain their qualifications for securities industry registration.

Are there any study materials available for the SIE Exam? 

Yes, there are study materials available to help candidates prepare for the SIE Exam. FINRA provides a content outline that outlines the topics covered in the exam. Additionally, there are numerous commercial study materials, online courses, and practice exams offered by reputable educational providers to aid in exam preparation.

Can the SIE Exam be retaken if failed? 

Yes, if an individual fails the SIE Exam, they can retake it after a specified waiting period. The waiting period for the second attempt is typically 30 days, while subsequent attempts require a 30-day waiting period as well.

Is the SIE Exam the only requirement for securities industry registration? 

No, the SIE Exam is not the only requirement for securities industry registration. While passing the SIE Exam is a crucial step, individuals typically need to pass additional licensing exams depending on their desired roles. Examples include the Series 6, Series 7, Series 63, and Series 65 exams, which provide specialized qualifications for specific functions within the securities industry. The specific licensing requirements depend on the job responsibilities and activities individuals will engage in.

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SIE Exam Test Tips

  • Get a good night’s sleep: Make sure you get enough sleep the night before the exam. You will be more attentive and aware throughout the exam if you get a decent night’s sleep.
  • Bring necessary identification: Ensure that you have valid identification documents with you as per the requirements stated by the exam provider. This may include a government-issued ID, passport, or driver’s license.
  • Eat a balanced meal: Have a nutritious meal before the exam to provide your brain with the necessary fuel. Avoid heavy or greasy foods that may make you feel sluggish or uncomfortable during the exam.
  • Stay calm and focused: Remind yourself to stay calm and focused throughout the exam. Take deep breaths if you feel anxious and try to maintain a steady pace while answering the questions.
  • Read the questions carefully: Take your time to read each question carefully and understand what is being asked. Pay attention to keywords and any specific instructions or scenarios provided.
  • Use the process of elimination: If you’re unsure about an answer, use the process of elimination to eliminate any obviously incorrect options.
  • Stay positive and confident: Maintain a positive mindset throughout the exam. Trust in your preparation and knowledge. Remember that you have put in the effort to study and prepare for this exam.
  • Don’t carry any material: Strictly remember this point as bringing materials to the exam could be considered an unethical practice and could result in disqualification. You may also be prevented from taking the exam in the future.
  • Review your answers: If time permits, go back and review your answers before making the final submission. Double-check for any errors or overlooked details.
  • Answer Every Question: Unlike some exams where unanswered questions are not counted against you, the SIE Exam does not have a penalty for wrong answers. Make sure to provide an answer for every question, even if you’re unsure. You have a chance of getting it right, and you won’t lose points for incorrect answers.
  • Stay until the end: Even if you finish early, stay until the end of the exam duration. Use the extra time to review your answers or revisit any marked questions.

Here’s a tip from a Test-taker: 

“I personally had encountered a few of the exact questions from the FINRAs practice exam.. On my actual exam.

My tip.. Understand the material & pay attention to how the question is worded. Look for patterns in the questions, and patterns in the answers. Pay attention to key words..”except”, “false”, “true”, etc.”

Source: Reddit/ApprehensiveSky9417

Results Scale and Interpretations

Score needed to pass the SIE

The SIE Exam has a passing score of 70, which is measured on a scale of 0 to 100. The scores are standardized to provide a fair comparison among all candidates, considering any variations in question difficulty. Statistical adjustments are applied to ensure that each candidate is held to the same passing standard, irrespective of the specific set of exam questions they encountered. This approach guarantees fairness and consistency in evaluating candidates’ performance.

Test Result Card. Source: FINRA

Waiting period if you fail the SIE

The SIE has the same waiting time as the rest of FINRA’s tests. A 30-day waiting period is provided following both the first and second unsuccessful attempts. 180 days must pass after the third unsuccessful attempt. There should be a gap of 180 days for attempts made after the third try.

Validity of the certificate

When you pass the test, the SIE will be valid for four years. This implies that you won’t have to retake the SIE if you work for a broker-dealer during the four-year term and need to register as a general securities representative. Instead, to register, you will simply need to pass the Series 7 exam. The SIE will remain in effect for four years from the end date of the representative-level registration if you register with a broker-dealer and later cancel your registration.

After passing the FINRA SIE Exam, you are one step closer to pursuing a career in the securities industry. However, it is important to understand what further steps may be required and what career opportunities become available after passing the exam. The following table outlines post-exam considerations and potential career paths.

Exam ResultResults are provided immediately upon completion of the exam.
SIE Exam ValidityPassing the SIE Exam is valid for four years from the date of the exam.
Additional ExamsOften, additional qualification exams (e.g. Series 6, Series 7) are required to become fully registered.
Career OpportunitiesPassing the SIE Exam opens doors to various entry-level positions in the securities industry such as financial advisor, investment banking analyst, or compliance officer.
Continuing EducationEngaging in continuing education is important for career growth and staying up-to-date with industry regulations.
Post-Exam Considerations and Career Opportunities After. Source: iPREP


  • Test Administrators: The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is responsible for administering the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) exam.
  • Test Schedule: FINRA will publish a 120-day window for taking the test when a candidate enrolls to take it. You must give at least 10 business days’ notice if you need to postpone or cancel your appointment for the qualifying exam in order to avoid being charged. 
  • Test Format: Multiple choice on computer
  • Test Materials: Reference materials cannot be brought to the exam session by candidates. Candidates who attempt to cheat on tests conducted by FINRA face harsh penalties. 
  • Cost: The cost of the FINRA SIE exam is $80
  • Retake Policy: There is a 30-day waiting period following both the first and second unsuccessful attempts. 180 days must pass after the third unsuccessful attempt.

Test Provider

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is the provider of the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) exam. FINRA is a self-regulatory organization (SRO) that oversees and regulates brokerage firms and their registered representatives. The SIE exam is a fundamental knowledge test for individuals seeking to enter or work within the securities industry in the United States. They develop and administer qualification exams, such as the SIE, as part of their regulatory responsibilities. 

Information Sources

Disclaimer – All the tutoring resources and preparation materials available on iPrep are authentic and were specifically designed for the purpose of tutoring. iPrep is not affiliated with the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), the owner of SIE exam, or any trademark or organization mentioned above.

Free FINRA SIE Exam practice test: Get to know what the FINRA SIE Exam will be like by practicing with these sample questions:

Knowledge of Capital Markets Sample Questions

Question 1 of 2

Which of the following investment vehicles is typically considered to have the highest level of risk?

  1. U.S. Treasury bonds
  2. Blue-chip stocks
  3. Corporate bonds with high credit ratings
  4. Emerging market equities

Solution :

The correct answer is D: Emerging market equities.

Explanation: Emerging market equities are typically considered to have the highest level of risk among the options provided. Emerging markets refer to developing countries that are experiencing rapid economic growth and industrialization. Investing in stocks from these markets can be riskier due to factors such as political instability, less-developed regulatory frameworks, and currency fluctuations. U.S. Treasury bonds (option A) are generally considered low-risk investments, blue-chip stocks (option B) are known for their stability and reliability, and corporate bonds with high credit ratings (option C) carry a moderate level of risk compared to emerging market equities.

Question 2 of 2

When an investor purchases a bond at a discount, which of the following statements is true?

  1. The bond is priced below its face value.
  2. The bond pays a higher interest rate than its stated coupon rate.
  3. The bond has a shorter maturity period.
  4. The bond carries a higher credit rating.

Solution :

The correct answer is A: The bond is priced below its face value.

Explanation: When an investor purchases a bond at a discount, it means the bond is priced below its face value or par value. The face value is the amount the bond will be worth at maturity, and it is usually $1,000 for most corporate and government bonds. Bonds are often priced at a discount when they offer a lower interest rate or if market interest rates have risen since the bond was issued. This discount allows investors to purchase the bond for less than its eventual payoff at maturity. The stated coupon rate (interest rate) remains the same regardless of the purchase price, and the maturity period (option C) and credit rating (option D) are not directly influenced by the purchase price.

Understanding Products and Their Risks Sample Questions

Question 1 of 4

Which of the following investment products is most likely to provide a fixed stream of income for a specified period?

  1. Common stocks
  2. Treasury bonds
  3. Mutual funds
  4. Options contracts

Solution :

The correct answer is B: Treasury bonds.

Explanation: Treasury bonds are debt securities issued by the U.S. government with fixed interest payments and a specified maturity date. They are commonly referred to as “Treasuries” and are known for providing a fixed stream of income. The interest payments, known as coupon payments, are paid semi-annually until the bond reaches maturity. Common stocks (option A) do not provide fixed income but rather offer potential dividend payments and capital appreciation. Mutual funds (option C) and options contracts (option D) do not guarantee a fixed stream of income.

Question 2 of 4

Which of the following investment products offers the highest potential for capital appreciation?

  1. Money market funds
  2. U.S. Treasury notes
  3. Government agency bonds
  4. Growth stocks

Solution :

The correct answer is D: Growth stocks.

Explanation: Growth stocks are shares of companies that are expected to grow at an above-average rate compared to other companies in the market. These stocks typically reinvest their earnings into the company, aiming for capital appreciation rather than regular dividend payments. Growth stocks offer the highest potential for capital appreciation among the options provided. Money market funds (option A), U.S. Treasury notes (option B), and government agency bonds (option C) are generally associated with lower levels of potential capital appreciation.

Question 3 of 4

Which of the following investment products is most likely to provide a hedge against inflation?

  1. Fixed annuities
  2. Corporate bonds
  3. Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS)
  4. Preferred stocks

Solution :

The correct answer is C: Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS).

Explanation: Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) are U.S. government-issued bonds specifically designed to provide a hedge against inflation. The principal value of TIPS adjusts based on changes in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), which measures inflation. As inflation rises, the principal value of TIPS increases, and when inflation falls, the principal value decreases. This feature helps protect investors from the erosion of purchasing power caused by inflation. Fixed annuities (option A), corporate bonds (option B), and preferred stocks (option D) do not provide the same explicit inflation protection as TIPS.

Question 4 of 4

Which of the following investment products carries the highest credit risk?

  1. U.S. Treasury bonds
  2. Municipal bonds
  3. Investment-grade corporate bonds
  4. High-yield (junk) bonds

Solution :

The correct answer is D: High-yield (junk) bonds.

Explanation: High-yield bonds, also known as junk bonds, are issued by companies with lower credit ratings and are considered to have a higher risk of default. These bonds offer higher yields to compensate investors for the increased credit risk. Therefore, high-yield bonds carry the highest credit risk among the options provided. U.S. Treasury bonds (option A) are considered to have the lowest credit risk, followed by investment-grade corporate bonds (option C). Municipal bonds (option B) generally fall between investment-grade corporate bonds and high-yield bonds in terms of credit risk.

Understanding Trading, Customer Accounts, and Prohibited Activities Sample Questions

Certainly! Here are five sample multiple-choice questions that represent the difficulty level and curriculum of the FINRA SIE exam in the topic of “Understanding Trading, Customer Accounts, and Prohibited Activities.” Each question is followed by a detailed solution.

Question 1 of 4

Which of the following types of orders gives the investor the greatest control over the execution price of a trade?

  1. Market order
  2. Limit order
  3. Stop order
  4. Stop-limit order

Solution :

The correct answer is B: Limit order.

Explanation: A limit order allows the investor to specify the maximum price they are willing to pay to buy a security or the minimum price they are willing to accept to sell a security. By setting a specific limit, the investor has greater control over the execution price of the trade. Market orders (option A) execute immediately at the best available price, which may not be the desired price. Stop orders (option C) and stop-limit orders (option D) is triggered when the security reaches a specified price level, but they do not provide the same control over the execution price as a limit order.

Question 2 of 4

Which of the following securities requires the investor to complete a suitability determination before the transaction can take place?

  1. U.S. government bonds
  2. Penny stocks
  3. Treasury bills
  4. Preferred stocks

Solution :

The correct answer is B: Penny stocks.

Explanation: Penny stocks are low-priced, speculative stocks that often trade outside of major exchanges. Due to their higher risk and volatility, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) requires broker-dealers to complete a suitability determination for investors before engaging in penny stock transactions. This suitability determination helps ensure that the investment is suitable for the investor’s financial situation, investment objectives, and risk tolerance. U.S. government bonds (option A), Treasury bills (option C), and preferred stocks (option D) do not require a suitability determination.

Question 3 of 4

Which of the following actions violates the SEC’s Regulation T regarding cash accounts?

  1. Selling a security before paying for it in full
  2. Buying a security and selling it within 30 days
  3. Buying a security and using the sale proceeds to purchase another security on the same day
  4. Borrowing funds from a friend to buy a security

Solution :

The correct answer is C: Buying a security and using the sale proceeds to purchase another security on the same day.

Explanation: The SEC’s Regulation T stipulates that investors must pay in full for securities purchased in a cash account by the settlement date, which is typically two business days after the trade date. Using the sale proceeds from one security to purchase another security on the same day, also known as “free-riding,” violates this regulation. Selling a security before paying for it in full (option A) violates the good-faith requirement, buying and selling a security within 30 days (option B) may be subject to the pattern day trading rule, and borrowing funds from a friend to buy a security (option D) does not violate Regulation T but may raise other concerns, such as margin trading rules.

Question 4 of 4

Under what circumstance would a broker-dealer be required to file a Currency Transaction Report (CTR) with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)?

  1. A client deposits $10,000 in cash into their brokerage account.
  2. A client purchases $10,000 worth of securities using a personal check.
  3. A client requests a wire transfer of $10,000 to their bank account.
  4. A client sells $10,000 worth of securities and requests a check for the proceeds.

Solution :

The correct answer is A: A client deposits $10,000 in cash into their brokerage account.

Explanation: A broker-dealer would be required to file a Currency Transaction Report (CTR) with FinCEN when a client makes a cash deposit of $10,000 or more into their brokerage account. This reporting requirement is part of the Bank Secrecy Act and is aimed at detecting and preventing money laundering and other illicit activities. Purchasing securities with a personal check (option B), requesting a wire transfer (option C), and selling securities and requesting a check (option D) do not trigger the same reporting requirement as a cash deposit.

Overview of Regulatory Framework Sample Questions

Question 1 of 2

Which of the following organizations is responsible for overseeing the operation and regulation of the options and futures markets in the United States?

  1. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
  2. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)
  3. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC)
  4. National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD)

Solution :

The correct answer is C: Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Explanation: The Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) is the federal agency responsible for overseeing the operation and regulation of the options and futures markets in the United States. The CFTC aims to protect market participants and the public from fraud, manipulation, and abusive practices in these markets. The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) (option A) is a self-regulatory organization that oversees broker-dealers and their registered representatives. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) (option B) is responsible for regulating and supervising the securities industry, including securities exchanges and registered securities firms. The National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) (option D) was a self-regulatory organization that has since merged with FINRA.

Question 2 of 2

Which of the following acts regulates the offer and sale of securities in the United States?

  1. Securities Act of 1933
  2. Securities Exchange Act of 1934
  3. Investment Advisers Act of 1940
  4. Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act

Solution :

The correct answer is A: Securities Act of 1933.

Explanation: The Securities Act of 1933 regulates the offer and sale of securities in the United States. It requires companies to register their securities offerings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and provides investors with essential information about the securities being offered. The Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (option B) primarily regulates securities exchanges and the trading of securities after they have been issued. The Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (option C) regulates investment advisers who provide advice to clients for compensation. The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (option D) was enacted in response to the 2008 financial crisis and introduced various reforms to the financial industry.

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